Sunday, 3 March 2013

2nd Round Czech Cup in Bouldering "Lokalblok Monster 9"

The lokal Monsters 9 took place on 2nd March. On Wednesday we started setting the boulders. At the beginning we had only few free profile where we could start setting the routes because till Thursday evening there was still a limited opening hours. On Friday the Lokalblok was finally closed and we could test our boulders and make it perfect.
On Saturday there were 36 men and 17 women at the competition. A qualification was „ on flash“ on 8 boulders and a final „On Site“ on 8 boulders. All boulders were climbed up at the final in both categories. The climber who managed to reach the 3 tops took the first place. Next year there is going to be Monsters 10... and they are planning a monster annual event, we hope you will come!

David Kozel in Men Final # 1
Again David in Men Final # 2
Martin Jungling in Men Final # 3
Jan Jeliga in Men Final # 4

  Results Men Final:
Qualification Final
1. Stráník Martin 1990 Singing Rock; High Point; HO Choceň 8t16 8z15 3t3 4z4
2. Hlaváček Jakub  1990 Triop; SmíchOFF; Ruzyně 7t19 7z13 3t3 4z5
3. Stráník Štěpán 1991 Singing Rock; Saltic; LUJS Choceň 7t14 8z13 3t4 4z5
4. Hlaváček Jan 1992 AIX; HO Dolní Žleb 7t23 7z10 2t2 3z3
5. Kučera Roman 1993 Koroboulder Pardubice; H-TEAM Pardubice 6t19 6z12 2t3 4z14
6. Chvála Jan 1989 Rock Pillars; Ocún; AIX 7t13 8z18 2t4 4z4
7. Greksák Tomaso 1985 Urban Apes, Adidas, Rock Pillars (SVK) 7t11 7z10 2t4 4z5
8. Dvorský Martin 1989 Lokalblok 6t12 7z26 2t4 4z6
9. Šolc Jan 1986 MoveClimbing 6t27 7z20 2t4 4z8
10. Šeliga Marián 1988 K2 Žilina (SVK) 6t27 7z24 2t5 4z8
11. Uhříček Michal 1985 Hidetaka; Omice 7t22 7z21 2t7 4z10
12. Kozel David 1982 Rock Pillars, A muerte 5t16 6z21 1t2 4z10
13. Jüngling Martin 1986 6t23 7z18 1t4 3z7
14. Jeliga Jan 1993 Edelrid; 7t18 8z15 1t5 3z6

Terka Píšová in Women Final # 1
Terka Píšová in Women Final # 2
Petra Růžičková in Women Final # 3
Katka Záhorová in Women Final # 4
Results Women Final:
Qualification Final
1. Růžičková Petra 1990 HO SK Prostějov/;; Prostějov 7t18 8z17 3t4 4z4
2. Nevělíková Karolína 1990 HK Pálavský věšák 8t19 8z11 3t6 4z4
3. Rajfová Silvie 1991 Sokol Brno 1; Rajče; Triop 8t17 8z11 0t0 4z5
4. Gundová Linda 1992 (SVK) 7t14 8z13 0t0 4z6
5. Kudrová Nelly 1980 Adidas, BoulderBar, Ocún, RP 7t10 7z7 0t0 4z7
6. Kotrbová Daniela 1990 CC Ruzyně; Coolich 5t8 7z15 0t0 3z3
7. Šedková Štěpánka 1990 5t10 6z10 0t0 3z4
8. Píšová Tereza 1986 Lokalblok 5t10 5z5 0t0 3z4
9. Záhorová Kateřina 1989 HO Vrchlabí 5t15 5z13 0t0 3z6

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